
  • Are you good at physical work and mechanical work or do you prefer creative expression?
  • Do you love working with people or prefer communicating with computers?
  • Are you investigative or enterprising?
  • Do you even know what you are good at?

In today’s competitive world it is crucial for students to be focused when it comes to effective career planning. Identifying your strengths and weaknesses and then finding the  best match between your aptitude and your career interest is an important part of choosing a subject at high school or the selection of an under graduate program.

In the context of Career Guidance, your Career Interest means your individual preference for one or more specific job activities or industries, from Mechanical Engineering or Medical Science to Visual Arts or Media. Aptitude means your underlying potential for acquiring specific skills.

At Focal Point we believe every young person has the potential to succeed and we ensure that we take every opportunity to help you identify your capability and strengths at an early stage so that you can chose the right education path for you.

Psychometric Test

Psychometrics is nothing but the science of measuring your cognitive abilities and thinking processes – your personal skill set.  At Focal Point we help you to assess the following:

  1. Verbal:  ability to comprehend words and ideas and written language
  2. Numerical: refers to the facility in manipulating numbers quickly and accurately
  3. Spatial: perceiving spatial patterns accurately
  4. Closure: ability to see quickly a whole stimulus when parts of it are missing
  5. Clerical: to sort and file documents or variables in a particular order
  6. Reasoning: ability to understand and think logically in solving problems
  7. Mechanical: ability to understand basic mechanical principles

Career Interest Test

The Career Interest Test is a survey designed to help students discover what jobs they find most interesting, assessing you across a wide variety of job areas. The test then generates a report on the occupational types which match your interest and suggests a number of options.

Occupational types include Realistic, Investigative, Social, Artistic and Enterprising.

Mapping the Aptitude Test with Career Interest

The final procedure is to map the Aptitude Test results with the Career Test. With the help of your academic report from previous grades, our Consultants recommend the major or career that is most suited to you and in which you are most likely to find success.